Patent Filing Services in Brazil
Country :- Brazil | Capital :- Brasilia
Types of Major IP Rights
Patent Office
Rua Mayrink Veiga, 9, Centro, 22° andar CEP 20090-910 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil
Trademark Office
Rua Mayrink Veiga, 9, Centro, 22° andar CEP 20090-910 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil
Fact Sheet - PCT National Phase Brazil
Filing Deadline
Filing Extension Available
Filing Language
Translational deadline
Form Requirement
Mode of Filing
30 Months
Upon Filing
POA (scanned copy sufficient), Assignment (only if US priority filed in name of inventors)

Country :- Brazil | Capital :- Brasilia

Patent Office
Rua Mayrink Veiga, 9, Centro, 22° andar CEP 20090-910 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil
Trademark Office
Rua Mayrink Veiga, 9, Centro, 22° andar CEP 20090-910 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil
Types of Major IP Rights
The Invention Patent, The Utility Model Patent and The Industrial Design Patent.
Fact Sheet - PCT National Phase Brazil
Filing Deadline
Filing Extension Available
Filing Language
Translational Deadline
Form Requirement
Mode of Filing
30 Months
Upon Filing
POA (scanned copy sufficient), Assignment (only if US priority filed in name of inventors)
Fees for Patent Activities in Brazil
Filing Fee
Fee for requesting examination
for patent application with no more than 10 claims
for each claim in excess of 10
for each claim in excess of 15
for each claim in excess of 30
Fee for reinstatement of right
Fee for prioritized collaborative examination
Fee for prioritized strategic examination:
Appeal fee
Other petitions:
Brazilian Real

* All the fees mentioned here is in US Dollars

For the 1 st and the 2 nd years, per year
For the 3rd to the 6th year, per year
For the 7th to the 10th year, per year
For the 11th to the 15th year, per year
For the 16th to the 20th year, per year

* These fees are subject to change as per the discretion of the patent offices. Get in touch with us to know the exact fee.

Have more questions?
Q1. Term required for filing a patent application in Brazil ?
Article 40 of the Brazilian patent law 9,279/96 provides a term of validity of 20 years from filing but also a minimum period of protection of 10 years from grant.
Q2. What is the Duration of Patents in Brazil?
The expiry date of a patent in Brazil is 20 years from filing of the patent application, which cannot be less than 10 years from the patent grant. Therefore, if a patent application takes 12 years to be granted, its term of protection will be 22 year
Q3. What are the Filing requirements in Brazil?
The official language of the National Intellectual Property Office in Brazil is Portuguese. Claims, title and abstract should be submitted in Portuguese, late filing of the remaining translation is possible within 60 days of the filing date. The minimum requirements for entering the national phase are the information regarding the applicant(s) and the inventor(s), patent claims, title and abstract in Portuguese. A certified copy of the Priority Document should be submitted within 60 days from the filing date in Brazil. A digital copy is usually enough for filing, however, the original may be requested by the Office. A digital copy of a signed Power of Attorney is enough for filing the application. The POA can be submitted within 60 days from filing the application in Brazil. If the applicant is not the inventor, it is recommended to file the Inventor's Authorization. It may be submitted after entering the PCT national phase in Brazil (within 60 days from the Brazilian filing date), official legalisation or notarization is not required. Filing of the Inventor's Authorization is not obligatory. If the PCT national phase applicant is different from the applicant in the international application, document confirming Assignment of Rights should be submitted on filing or within 60 days from the Brazilian filing date.
Q4. How to examine a Brazilian patent application?
Patent applications in Brazil are examined as to compliance with formal and substantive requirements. The request for substantive examination should be filed within 36 months from the international filing date.

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