Cedric D'Hue

Patent Lawyer

Skilled Patent Lawyer Serving West Lafayette

About Cedric D'Hue

Cedric D’Hue got his start with biological and chemical patent law by getting his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry. After graduating, he began work in a generic pharmaceutical company as a dissolution chemist, was promoted to an analytical chemist. Soon after, he decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in chemistry.

Though he was planning on pursuing a doctorate in chemistry, Cedric realized that becoming a patent lawyer would allow him to stay connected to the scientific world while also leading an exciting and active career out of the lab. After several years of practice, Cedric decided to pursue the doctorate in chemistry, his research related to using ambient ionization mass spectrometry to differentiate cancerous and normal tissue in different organs.

Cedric recently successfully defended his PhD in analytical chemistry at Purdue University. His projects involved using multivariate statistical analysis of mass spectra to statistically differentiate non-cancerous and cancerous tissue of dog bladder invasive urothelial carcinoma and human oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cedric is very interested in cancer diagnostic systems, and he frequently participates in runs for the Purdue Center for Cancer Research Challenge 5K. Cedric is married and has four young children. He and his family regularly attend church and enjoy traveling.