Patent Filing Cost

Patent Filing Cost

Patent filing cost is the amount that the patent applicant incurs for filing and obtaining the patent. The cost of a patent filing basically depends on the type of patent application while filing the patent. The type of invention and the market opportunities related to the product also decide the patent filing cost. If the invention constitutes more claims and illustrations, then the patent filing cost would be higher. The overall cost of obtaining a patent also includes the pay for the patent office and the patent service provider such as The Patent Filing Company.

Factors Determining the Patent Filing Cost

There is a certain procedure to get a patent grant. While following the procedure, the patent applicant has to incur a certain amount of charge for getting a grant of patent. So, the steps present in the patent filing cost are as follows.

Patentability Search of the Invention

The first process in the patent grant is getting a patentability search of the invention. So, it is always preferable to hire a professional searcher as he will find all the information related to the prior art. The cost for patentability search depends on several factors such as: 

  1. The amount of written analysis you want to receive.
  2. The complexity of the invention.
  3. The amount of consideration of the prior art discovered. 
  4. The type of patent file.

Fees for a patent search for different types of the patent

Description Fee Small entity fee Micro entity fee
Utility search fee $660 $330 $165
Design search fee $160 $80 $40
Plant search fee $420 $210 $105
Reissue search fee $660 $330 $165

Although, paying for the best patentability search with a written analysis directs the entirety of the remainder of the patent project.  

Patent Drafting Cost

Patent drafting is the process of writing descriptions and claims. Although an inventor can himself write all the specifications of his invention, it is always safe to consider a patent consultant. The cost of filing the patent is quite steep and there is always a chance of a loss while doing it yourself. Also, the cost of patent drafting varies from $200-$500.

Patent application filing cost

The patent filing cost of a patent application depends on whether the application is provisional or a non-provisional one. A provisional application needs to disclose the invention completely as a non-provisional one, there is a reduction in formalities. This reduces the overall cost of filing the provisional application. Although a provisional patent application is not a true patent, it protects your invention for 12 months.

The application filing fees for different patents are as follows.                      

Description Fee Small entity fee Micro entity fee
Utility application fee $300 $150 $75
Design application fee $200 $100 $50
Plant application fee $200 $100 $50
Reissue application fee $300 $150 $75
Provisional application fee $280 $140 $70

In the case of a non-provisional application, the cost of filing slightly increases due to the increase of some formalities. A non-provisional application charges an extra $400 along with all the charges in the above table. 

Examination Cost of the application

After filing the patent application, it goes for publication which discloses the invention. Further, the examination of the application takes place. The examination cost depends on the different types of patents. It also depends on whether the patent is a utility patent, design patent, or any other type of patent. The fee also depends on the entity of the patent.

The fees for different types of patents are given below.

Description Fee Small entity fee Micro entity fee
Utility examination fee $760 $380 $190
Design examination fee $600 $300 $150
Plant examination fee $620 $310 $155
Reissue examination fee $2200 $1100 $550

Patent post allowance cost

Patent post allowance fee is also a part of this process. Further, the patent applicant gets notice of allowance after the patent examiner decides to grant a patent. The notice of allowance shows that the application is complete and meets all the requirements. 

The fee for the patent post allowance is as given below.

Description Fee Small entity fee Micro entity fee
Utility issue fee $1000 $500 $250
Design issue fee $700 $350 $175
Plant issue fee $800 $400 $200
Reissue issue fee $1000 $500 $250

5. Renewal of patent cost:

Renewal of the patent is an essential process, if you want to protect your invention from coming into the public domain. One has to renew his patent within a certain time period to protect it. Renewal of patent also includes some pat of the patent filing cost.

The fee for renewal of the patent is:         

Description Fee Small entity fee Micro entity fee
Renewal fee due at 3.5 years $1600 $800 $400
Renewal fee due at 7.5 years $3600 $1800 $900
Renewal fee due at 11.5 years $7400 $3700 $1850

Looking to file Patent? – The Patent Filing Company

If you want to file a patent, The Patent Filing Company (TPFC) is the best option for the same. TPFC    helps their clients file the patents with maximum efficiency and minimum time and patent filing cost. TPFC covers 300+ techno legal experts who come from different backgrounds to cover different types of inventions. Our professionals utilize their expertise to advise our clients to help them get world-class advice and IP Protection. TPFC not only ensures that you get the strongest and broadest services but makes sure that you get the optimum cost. Our team will assist you in filing a patent application. For more information, visit The Patent Filing Company.

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